Russell & Algar … What lovely chaps they are!

With our next event on the horizon (this coming Sunday), I thought I’d just take a few moments to reflect on last months spectacular evening with Greg Russell and Ciaran Algar. A thoroughly entertaining duo from ‘Up north’ (said with an accent of course). My first impression on meeting them was what lovely young gents they seemed to be … both very polite, both very laid back, both with a great sense of humour … and both very hungry! :/ They soon tucked into their ‘pre-dinner’ dinner (well … pre-tapas sandwich … I think we can call tapas ‘dinner’ by now right?).
Their entire set was truly professional … from their undeniable talent with their instruments … to their perfect vocal harmonies … to their almost married-couple-like interplay and on-stage banter! I found myself laughing A LOT!! I particularly enjoyed Greg’s tales of comments he’d received from the ‘all knowing’ folkies at the traditional folk clubs (I can still picture his impression now… oh how i did titter). The hour flew by and I felt myself wishing we’d booked them for two sets instead of one! But all good things must come to an end … but the great thing about Folk at the Froize is … theres always next month 🙂 And, hurrah! I finally know what a bouzouki is … and now I want one! (Christmas Jon?!) 🙂
Didn’t Louise and David do a stunning job with the Easter goodies … sooooo much chocolate!!! Very impressed with the Easter cake…

It was lovely to see the boys take full advantage of the left over tapas after the show when they had the chance to fill their buckets (which … in their defence … they didn’t actually fill … just incase any of you were worried about their waistlines …. And very happy to report that Ciaran was the first FATF guest ever to stay at our home to have a bath and a cooked breakfast. Yay!! … now I feel like a proper host … Thank you Ciaran for helping to satisfy my ‘mother hen’ tendencies … (although I can’t take credit for the breakfast coz Jon made it (thank god because I can’t even poach an egg (can I Greg!)))).
Anyway, that’s quite enough about waistlines and personal hygiene … what you’re really interested in is the music of course …
So, our fantastic ‘support’ for the event was Kev Walford and Kelly Pritchard who are a local duo hailing from Felixstowe and Woodbridge. They had a special guest appearance from Mat Bayfield (to be forever now known as Max Hayfield) I do love Kev’s songwriting! Such good foot stomping tunes. And Kelly’s voice is just super silky. Together they make a great team with highly amusing on stage banter to boot! (We asked them to perform at our launch party last saturday and they had the entire room in stitches!) We bought their first EP which is just fab! I highly suggest you grab yourself a copy if you haven’t already. Same goes for Greg and Ciaran’s album ‘The Silent Majority’ which is beautifully produced and really captures their sound to a tee! You can buy it here.
This Sunday will see us hosting the amazing Sam Kelly Trio (who will be christening the stage with the very first drum kit to feature at a FATF event) If you’ve got your tickets already, well done! If you haven’t … sorry, you’re too late because they’ve SOLD OUT!! Suport will be from Bury based duo, Tom and Paris. See you there … and if I don’t … see you somewhere!

Here’s a little introduction to prepare you for Sunday …