Guided Wildlife Walk: Sat 14th Dec 2024 – Close Encounters with Raptors


This is our annual raptor special, so we’ll visit watch-points along the Alde/Ore Estuary complex where we will have panoramic views of coastal marshes. Marsh Harriers, Buzzards, Sparrowhawks and Kestrels should be evident and, if we are lucky, we may see a Peregrine or a Merlin. The estuary is on of the county’s best places to view Short-eared Owls quartering the marsh often in the company of Barn Owls. White-tailed Eagles are becoming regular visitors, so who knows it just might be our day.  

Leaders: John Grant and David Walsh

  • Starting at 8:30am with tea and coffee at the Froize.
  • Includes a delicious two course lunch at the Froize (please inform us of your dietary requirements).

Numbers are limited – Early booking advised.
