Sweet, festive … somewhat distant memories

Hard to believe it’s been almost a month since our Festive Folk at the Froize!!! Where has the time gone?!
The festive period passed by in a flash, as it always does, and now we are back to reality ( when we start to assess the waistline with a frown ) BUT I’m happy to report that I’m not feeling sad to be back to reality, ( or a jeans size larger ) because I’m just waaaaaaay too excited about the year ahead and all the wonderful possibilities and musical experiences it has to offer. I hope you’re all feeling the same??

Just want to say a massive thank you to all you lovely folk who came to our Christmas special on the 20th December. I can’t personally remark on the first duo ( for obvious reasons ) but I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed playing for you all along with my partner in crime, Jon Hart ( even if I did forget the words to my first song … what can I say … i’m a numpty )

Our marvellous hosts, David and Louise, excelled themselves once again with the festive tapas. I was just expecting a few mince pies and sausage rolls, but NO …. there was enough food to feed an army! I think everyone went home feeling thoroughly stuffed (me mainly with honey sesame sausages again … seriously … I think I’m an addict )

It was lovely to hear FolkEast sweetheart Tilly Dalglish perform along with her brother Isaac ( and I was personally very excited to hear someone play a harmonium – something Jon raves about all the time, but an instrument I’d never actually seen in action ) I was also very impressed with Issacs turkey hat ( which stayed on nearly all evening … that’s festive commitment right there ) … and I secretly had ‘dress envy’ … Tillys dress was just gorgeous!

The Broadside Boys gave us a rousing finale with their uplifting and highly entertaining tales. It was great to see them as a four piece ( a first for me ) with Alex Goldsmith on accordion and Ian Sedge on bass. As I was listening, it’s almost as if I forgot they’d ever been a duo … they all worked together so harmoniously … I’d say the broadside additions are a perfect fit.

I’m looking forward to the next Folk at the froize featuring, banjo player, Dan Walsh and local celtic fusion 5 piece, Aartwork (on the 24th January … this coming Sunday). Tickets are limited folks, so make sure you give David a buzz (01394 450282) and get yours quick before they all disappear. I know it’s cold … and the thought of a night in by the fire with a nice hot toddy is appealing and all that … but shake away the winter blues and come and enjoy a night of rip roaring music, scrummy food and great company! You won’t regret it!